Emergency Dentist – Downers Grove, IL

Toothache? Dental Pain? Call Us!

It's important to know the difference between urgent and non-urgent dental emergencies as it can save your teeth. Urgent dental emergencies, such as severe toothaches, dental abscesses, loose or knocked-out teeth, broken teeth, or large cracks or chips in teeth, require immediate treatment by an emergency dentist in Downers Grove or Lemont. If the emergency happens outside of office hours, call your dentist's emergency number for instructions on how to reach them.

Woman touching her cheek in pain while visiting emergency dentist in Downers Grove

Common Dental Emergencies

Man wincing and touching his jaw

For a toothache, try flossing and swishing warm water, and schedule an appointment with the emergency dentist if the pain persists. A gum abscess should not be popped but drained by an emergency dentist. Loose teeth may have various causes and require an examination by the dentist. A knocked-out tooth needs to be treated within 30 minutes, so call the emergency dentist and gently place the tooth back into the socket or store it in milk.

Non-urgent dental emergencies, such as lost fillings, crowns, or bridges, dull toothaches, food lodged between teeth, or small chips or cracks in teeth, can wait until normal business hours to be addressed by the dentist.

Quick action can prevent expensive restorations or tooth extraction. The emergency dentist can also provide preventative measures such as custom mouth guards for sports dental injuries. If you have a dental emergency not listed here, call your dentist's office for advice. The emergency dentist at Dentique Dental of Downers Grove and Dentique Dental of Lemont can help restore your smile after tooth loss or sports dental injuries.

Tooth Infections

Two blackened infected teeth against black background

A dental abscess, also known as a tooth infection or an abscessed tooth, occurs when a pus-filled pocket caused by a bacterial infection forms anywhere on the tooth. Depending on where and why the tooth infection occurs, it may be referred to by different names such as periapical abscess or periodontal abscess. So, what causes an abscessed tooth? It occurs when bacteria build up in the innermost portion of the tooth. Bacteria can get inside the tooth through small cracks or a cavity. Tooth abscesses and infections can be incredibly damaging and painful. If you notice symptoms of pain, swelling, infection, sensitivity to hot, cold, and/or pressure, contact your dentist promptly.

Tooth Pain

Woman wincing and touching her face in pain

A toothache may feel like a sharp or shooting pain, a throbbing pain, intermittent pain that comes and goes, a dull ache, or pain in the jaw or sinus area. Moreover, a toothache may hurt around the clock or may only feel noticeable during activities like eating, chewing, and biting. There are several reasons a tooth will hurt. It’s most frequently brought on by a cavity, gum disease, or infection like an abscessed tooth. Unfortunately, tooth pain can be very disruptive to daily life and can intensify at night, disrupting sleep. Any pain that lasts more than a day or two or wakes you up at night requires a visit to our dental office.